I've been reading a book that is changing my life. I should say, God has been changing my life through practicing what this book proposes. Writing down the gifts that God gives ~ a thousand of them. It is Eucharisteo: thanks, grace, and joy. Now, I've always known that gratefulness is a good practice. I grew up singing "Count your many blessings, name them one by one". I have incorporated gratefulness in my life my whole life, really ~ but not as purposeful as this. A pastor of mine, when talking of communion (Eucharist) always described it as "grace flows". Flowing down like water ~ purifying water. The grace that is the everyday, where the rubber meets the road kind of getting through it grace.
Since my last blog, which was many months ago, God has blessed Bill and I with another grandchild.
His name is Sam. Talk about gifts. He is amazing!
I have known God's consistent, freeing grace in all my days. He is always Good!