

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


    Life is a journey. Instead of fighting against where my life is going, I need to realize that all the twists and turns in the road is part of the process. It's sometimes dangerous, sometimes treacherous, sometimes painful, and sometimes just plain monotonous. In the past year, I have taken so many rabbit trails when it comes to my career path, I don't know what to think. It's just part of the journey. No experience has to be wasted. I want to take from it what I can and move on. It's possible to miss out on a whole lifetime by being so focused on the "next thing" that the here and now is missed. What is God trying to tell my right now? Do I need to find my heart in this situation I am finding myself in? What nourishes me? What am I passionate about? How can I explore my belief systems and true values in relationship to my life right now?
   Lord thank you for the journey that is my life. From day to day sometimes I never could have imagined how things turn out. Thank you for leading me step by step on this road. Help me to trust you in every situation. I do trust you because you will lead me in the paths of righteousness for your name's sake. Your ways are good; beyond what I could ever think or imagine. May I always walk toward you, and if I fall in the ditch, give me the strength to get out of the ditch and back on the path that you have for me. Help me to make wise choices in all the areas of my life. Father, thank you that you are always with me; leading, guiding, giving strength. I surrender myself to you.

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